North Dakota

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North Dakota Property Tax

Locally assessed property is real property that is owned by an individual or a business. All real property, unless specifically exempt, is subject to property tax. Real property means land and other assets that are permanently structured on the land. A mobile home used as a residence or business is also subject to property tax if it is 27 or more feet long or is attached to utility services.

Property tax for real property is due January 1 following the year of assessment and is payable without penalty until March 1. A 5% discount is allowed for taxes paid in full by February 15. Property tax for a mobile home is due January or 10 days after the home is purchased or moved into the state. A 5% discount is allowed for taxes paid in full by February 15 or within 30 days after the mobile home is purchased or moved into the state.

Counties determine and collect real property and mobile home property taxes, and distribute the revenue to the county, cities, townships, school districts, and other taxing districts. Property taxes are determined by three elements: 1) mills (tax rate), 2) taxable values, and 3) taxing entity. Source

Calculate your North Dakota property tax rate

North Dakota Median Home Value

The North Dakota median home value is $123,933.

The range of median North Dakota home values is the following.

Rank County Value
Max McKenzie $284,051
75% Mercer $178,121
50% McHenry $123,933
25% Eddy $96,220
Min Benson $76,046

North Dakota Median Home Values by County

North Dakota Population

The North Dakota population is 760,394.

The median population for the 53 counties of North Dakota is 4,225.

The range of North Dakota county populations is the following.

Rank County Value
Max Cass 179,937
75% Walsh 10,642
50% LaMoure 4,225
25% Grant 2,318
Min Slope 788

North Dakota Population by County

North Dakota Median Age

The North Dakota median age is 44 across the 53 counties.

The range of North Dakota county median ages is the following.

Rank County Value
Max McIntosh 54
75% Grant 48
50% Barnes 44
25% Morton 38
Min Sioux 29

North Dakota Median Age by County

North Dakota Counties

Adams / Barnes / Benson / Billings / Bottineau / Bowman / Burke / Burleigh / Cass / Cavalier / Dickey / Divide / Dunn / Eddy / Emmons / Foster / Golden Valley / Grand Forks / Grant / Griggs / Hettinger / Kidder / LaMoure / Logan / McHenry / McIntosh / McKenzie / McLean / Mercer / Morton / Mountrail / Nelson / Oliver / Pembina / Pierce / Ramsey / Ransom / Renville / Richland / Rolette / Sargent / Sheridan / Sioux / Slope / Stark / Steele / Stutsman / Towner / Traill / Walsh / Ward / Wells / Williams /


Alabama / Alaska / Arizona / Arkansas / California / Colorado / Connecticut / Delaware / Florida / Georgia / Hawaii / Idaho / Illinois / Indiana / Iowa / Kansas / Kentucky / Louisiana / Maine / Maryland / Massachusetts / Michigan / Minnesota / Mississippi / Missouri / Montana / Nebraska / Nevada / New Hampshire / New Jersey / New Mexico / New York / North Carolina / North Dakota / Ohio / Oklahoma / Oregon / Pennsylvania / Rhode Island / South Carolina / South Dakota / Tennessee / Texas / Utah / Vermont / Virginia / Washington / West Virginia / Wisconsin / Wyoming