Life Family Chiropractic Of Portland
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Life Family Chiropractic of Portland
234 Main St
Portland, Connecticut 06480
Tel: 860-342-7277
Experience Lasting Relief from Pain with Life Family Chiropractic of Portland in Connecticut!
- Mission: Change lives by connecting you to your passion and purpose through specific upper cervical chiropractic care
- Provide safe, gentle, specific, affordable family chiropractic care
- Dr. Stephen Judson & Dr. Michael Koster have teamed up to bring principled specific chiropractic care to Connecticut
- Strive to teach local families to live clear and reach their full potential through Specific Chiropractic Care
- Dr. Steve is a world renowned speaker & leader in his profession with over 16 years of experience
- Dr. Mike is a nationally recognized speaker in his profession with over 15 years of experience