Anchorage County

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Anchorage County

Anchorage County, Alaska

632 West 6th Avenue
Anchorage, Alaska 99501

Tel: 907-343-7100

County Website: Anchorage county

Anchorage County Property Assessment Adjustment Instructions

  1. All appeals must be filed with the assessor, specifying the grounds for the appeal, within 30 days from the date the assessment notice was mailed.
  2. Appeals must be complete and presented on the prescribed form.
  3. The appropriate filing deposit must be received by the assessor at the time of filing.
  4. If the appeal is resolved prior to BOE hearing, OR; you have provided the data and access required by the assessor and you appear at the hearing, the deposit will be refunded.


1. All documents the appellant wishes to have considered in support of the appeal must be provided to the assessor within 15 days from the close of the appeal period. The assessor may agree to an extension under certain conditions. Contact the assessor’s office regarding any extension request. 2. Upon receipt of an appeal, the assessor may require pertinent information and/or requisite inspections from the property owner. If an appellant has refused or failed to provide the assessor full access to property or records, the appellant shall be precluded from offering evidence on the issues affected by that access and those issues shall be decided in favor of the assessor. 3. In the event the assessor revised the valuation on a property under appeal and issues a withdrawal form, the appellant shall have one week to sign and return the withdrawal at the revised value. If a response is not received in a timely manner, the appeal will be forwarded to the Board of Equalization (BOE) for hearing. 4. Documents submitted as evidence by the appellant must be filed with the assessor no later than 15 days from the close of the appeal period unless the assessor has agreed to an extension. The Assessor shall provide the Board of Equalization and the appellant with an appeal packet including a copy of the appellant’s appeal and a summary of the assessors’ position. The property owner shall be notified of the location, date and time of the hearing approximately two weeks prior to the Board of Equalization hearing. You may also check the hearing schedule on the Web at:

Here's how to lower your property taxes in Anchorage county

Contact the county assessor

Contact the Anchorage county tax assessor's office and ask for a review of the property's value. Call Anchorage county at 907-343-7100 and ask to be connected to the county assessor. If the assessor determines that your property is worth less than the value on which your taxes are based, your property taxes may be lowered.

Tax exemptions

Start by finding what your tax bill is. Typically you will find your tax bill information on your mortgage statement. Look for tax exemptions or credits that you may be eligible for. Many states and localities offer exemptions or credits for homeowners who meet certain criteria, information such as being over a certain age or having a low income. Anchorage county may have these types of exemptions available for homeowners. These exemptions and credits can lower the property tax you owe.

Appeal tax assessment

Appeal the property tax assessment. If you believe that your property's value has been overestimated, you can typically appeal the assessment to your Anchorage county tax assessor's office. This is part of the services that your assessor's office provides. You will need to provide evidence to support your claim, such as a recent appraisal or sales data for comparable properties and homes in your area. Usually, you will meet with the Board of Equalization. If your appeal is successful, your property taxes may be lowered.

Challenge the tax rate

Consider challenging the tax rate. In some cases, the amount of property taxes you owe is not based on the value of your property, but on the tax rate set by your local government. If you believe that the tax rate is too high, you can contact your Anchorage county government and ask them to consider reducing it.

Property Tax Rules

Stay up-to-date on your property's value and property tax rules. For the purpose of lowering your Anchorage county property tax, property value is the assessed property value and not the market property value. Assessed property value is used for taxation purposes while market property value is what a buyer and seller would likely agree on. Typically the assessed value is lower than the market value. Your property's value can change over time due to a variety of factors, such as changes in the local real estate market or improvements you make to your property. To ensure that your property taxes are accurate and fair, it is important to stay informed about your property's value and contact Anchorage county local tax assessor's office if you believe there has been a significant change.

Keep in mind that property tax laws and regulations can vary, so it is important to consult with your Anchorage county Alaska tax assessor's office for specific information about how to reduce your property taxes.

About Anchorage County

Homes in Anchorage county have a median home value of $318,473.

Anchorage county home values are ranked 3 out of 30 counties in the state of Alaska for median home price. The average median home value in Alaska is $218,470. Yukon-Koyukuk county has the lowest median price at $76,200. Skagway county has the highest median price at $389,885.

Compared to the rest of the United States, Anchorage county homes have a median home value that is above the national median value of $130,626 by ~144%.

Alaska Median Home Values by County

The median household income in Anchorage county is $84,813.

Compared to the state of Alaska and the United States, Anchorage county's median household income is higher than the state of Alaska's average median household income of $68,500 and the United States average median household income of $54,172.


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