Dillberg Integrated Healthcare

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Dillberg Integrated Healthcare

Dillberg Integrated Healthcare

2711 Ala Kinoiki
Koloa, Hawaii 96756

Tel: 808-742-9326

Experience Exceptional Healthcare in the Heart of Hawaii at Dillberg Integrated Healthcare

  • Dillberg Integrated Healthcare in Koloa, Hawaii
  • Look at the whole body – structural integrity, nutritional levels, blood toxicity, cellular health, and mental or emotional stress patterns to evaluate any interferences to health and vitality
  • Interpret pain or symptoms as a warning sign to change our course and avoid catastrophe
  • Fill in missing pieces of healthcare puzzle with nutrition, acupuncture, chiropractic but without desired results
  • Employ advanced techniques to assess weaknesses and restore vitality throughout all 4 vectors of stress: structural chemical electro magnetic and emotional
  • Focus on preventive healthcare but also patient education so you can learn underlying causes creating symptoms dysfunction and disease