City Vets

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City Vets

City Vets

79 S 23rd St
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15203

Tel: 412-688-6440

Proudly Serving Pittsburgh's Furry Friends: City Vets!

  • Dr. Baldwin grew up in Frederick, MD and went to veterinary school at St. Matthews University School of Veterinary Medicine located on Grand Cayman Island
  • He did his clinical year at Mississippi State University
  • In 2019 he bought a house in North Hills, where he lives with his Pitbull, Osiris
  • At first he wanted to do emergency medicine, but then found interest in canine rehab
  • He is still working to get his certification for rehabilitation but incorporates what he’s learned to his cases
  • Has plans to become CCRT certified
  • In free time enjoys riding motorcycles, relandscaping yard & watching sports; follows Pittsburgh professional teams & Notre Dame at the college level