Powell Chiropractic

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Powell Chiropractic

Powell Chiropractic

116 Slalom Ln
Franconia, New Hampshire 03580

Tel: 603-823-0057

Experience Health and Wellness with Powell Chiropractic in Franconia, New Hampshire!

  • Located in Franconia, New Hampshire
  • Nerve interference causes the body to lose its ability to function optimally and ill-health eventually results
  • Misalignment of one or more of the movable bones of the spine is commonly caused by stresses and impacts to the body from poor posture, poor sleeping habits, slips and falls, vehicle accidents, sports injuries, strenuous exercise, over exertion etc
  • Chiropractic focuses on evaluating and clearing nerve interferences for healing
  • Mission at Powell Chiropractic is to educate and motivate patients for healthy holistic lifestyle such as eating whole foods, moving & stretching daily etc