Joni Gray D C

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Joni Gray, D.C.

Joni Gray, D.C.

101 Cottage St. Suite 7A
Littleton, New Hampshire 03561

Tel: 603-616-9487

Joni Gray, D.C. Brings Quality Chiropractic Care to Littleton, New Hampshire

  • Graduated from Old Dominion University with a focus on sports medicine
  • Received masters degree from Northwestern Chiropractic College in 1993 as a Doctor of Chiropractic
  • Launched Mt Peak Chiropractic in New London, NH in 1993
  • Moved practice to Littleton, NH in 2005 and offer patients the opportunity to be treated on the first Wednesday of every month in New London
  • Added Morphogenic Field Technique, nutritional therapy and whole food supplements to practice at both office locations
  • Joined Advanced Mastery Class presented by Dr. Sue Brown founder of Bio Geometric Integration (BGI
  • Goal is to bring increased freedom and wellness to my patients